February 24, 2022
KC Kruchko

Your Health Starts With Your Mouth

Straight teeth is not the key metric for a healthy mouth; training your breathing and tongue placement has been ignored, Weak breathing and poor muscular function of the mouth can negatively affect your overall health. Breathing and muscle function are not just good or bad; they exist on a scale. The best time to improve your mouth health is now.

Symptoms that I see daily of an unhealthy mouth are: 

  • poor sleep
  • anxiety
  • chronic stuffy nose
  • worn teeth
  • inability to focus
  • digestive issues even with a clean diet. 

Your mouth is a key part of your overall health. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Are you aware of your breathing?
  2. Do you know what your tongue is supposed to do?
  3. Do you know what proper breathing and proper tongue placement should be? 

Go beyond the smile for optimal mouth health that leads to a healthy you.