January 22, 2021
KC Kruchko

The Proper Foundation of Health for our Kids: Breathing

Assessing breathing in our kids can truly impact their life. We take 1000 breaths each hour. These breaths can work for us and enhance our health or against us and deplete it. The breath is a powerful tool, not just for yogis, chakra balancing, or extreme athletes; it is for all of us, young and old. Breath is the foundation of health, energy, and harmony. This pillar of health directly impacts mental health, craniofacial growth, and a child’s full potential.

Mental Health

Improper breathing affects mental health. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are atrociously high in our kids. And the numbers are rising. This multifactorial issue includes a hectic lifestyle, exposure to toxins, lack of community/family support, less free unstructured play, less sunshine, AND more screen time. Along with social media messages that show our kids they should always feel good; parents haven’t taught the coping skills needed to survive in chaotic times. Are we raising an unprepared generation? Learning how breath impacts our state of being is a crucial strategy to deal with the ups and downs life brings all of us.

Craniofacial Growth

Improper breathing from birth changes the normal facial proportions. All faces used to be wide, with plenty of room for all of our teeth and sinuses. Now, more and more, we see a long, thin shape. The palate is high and narrow, the sinuses are squished, and the nasal septum gets bent due to lack of space. Nasal breathing allows for proper growth and development of the craniofacial complex interacting with functions like breathing, chewing, and swallowing.

Full Potential

Improper breathing takes a toll on energy and vitality. We all want what is best for our kids. Optimal health is built on the foundation of our breath; we breathe about 1000 times an hour. It impacts the body’s pH, hormones, state of mind, sleep, metabolism, and physical and mental performance. When our foundation is weak or just a bit off, the whole structure is susceptible to collapse.

It is time to improve health by starting with the foundation of breathing. Proper breathing leads to better health.