March 7, 2021
KC Kruchko

Take A Breath And Improve Your Digestion

No matter how perfect you eat, if you have bad breathing habits, digestive issues can linger and keep you feeling down. Our body needs certain nutrients to perform all it does every day. But there is more to it. Digestion requires proper breathing.

What is proper breathing? Engaging in slow, low, and rhythmic breathing is how to get into digestion mode. We need our diaphragm involved. This way of breathing stimulates the Vagus Nerve which is in touch with all of these organs of digestion: liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, colon, and intestines.

It starts with the breath. The Vagus Nerve directs digestion. However, it gets its orders from what is going on with our breathing. Our breath is boss.

Here are a few key parts of what should happen every time we eat:

  • Production of gastric acid. We need a very acidic environment in the stomach to break down food and kill bacteria
  • Pepsinogen- A precursor of pepsin, which helps break down protein
  • Intrinsic Factor- Needed to take up B12 vitamin
  • Bile-Helps absorb fat
  • Contractions for mixing and transporting nutrients

If communication within the body is off - we may suffer by experiencing bloating, pain, constipation, and decreased absorption of nutrients. Myofunctional Therapy provides exercises for the tongue, facial and neck muscles to improve breathing, bite, functionality, and health.