April 4, 2021
KC Kruchko

Myofunctional Therapy + Tongue Tie Release

Tongue tie release (frenectomy) may be recommended as part of your Myofunctional Therapy treatment plan. If the attachment under your tongue is tight it will cause the tongue muscles to function poorly. With limited movement, it becomes a couch potato. The tongue muscle like the heart is always working. It is used to talk, swallow, breathe, sing and eat, but it is never trained. 

How would you know if tongue function is impaired? And who even thinks about their tongue? For many years as a hygienist, I just wanted your tongue to stay out of my way. 

There are appearances and measurements that are taken to evaluate the mouth’s muscles. Symptoms of a tongue tie include crowded teeth, poor sleep, tightness at the base of the head, tender floor of mouth, neck pain, headaches, grinding, speech issues, breathing disorders and reflux. A healthy mouth includes optimal range of motion of the muscles.

Several weeks prior to a tongue tie release procedure, training of the tongue and surrounding muscles are necessary. Think of having a knee surgery. You have a pre/post  plan to follow. The same is true for a frenectomy. Stretches as a part of a Myofunctional Therapy program after are critical to prevent reattachment and scar tissue. The mouth heals incredibly fast, and care is needed to achieve improved functionality. 

Identification of tongue tie and tongue thrust should be a part of a long term health plan. Get in touch to learn more about the health of your mouth.