March 31, 2024
KC Kruchko

Gut Microbiome Health and Myofunctional Therapy

Want to improve your gut health? Learn simple practices with myofunctional therapy that can significantly improve your health.

We get so caught up in eating the right foods but end up unnourished. I spent years trying to eat “perfect" and still had tummy issues. Let’s take some of the emotional stress out of eating and refocus on the rituals and relationships around the food that nourish us. It could make all the difference.

🍽️Eat with family or friends. Food has become divorced from relationships This is a key part of being nourished.

🧘🏽‍♀️Take a calm breath, a moment of gratitude or prayer before you eat. Bring awareness to enjoying the meal and being present.

🙋‍♀️Take time to just eat - no multitasking. Put down the phone, set the table and sit down. 

🌳Whenever possible, eat outdoors. Nature's nurture can balance our nervous system within seconds. 

✨Chew your food at least 20x per bite. Large chunks of food are a problem for your gut health. 

Create the conditions around mealtime for you and your loved ones to thrive. It’s all about ritual, rest and relationships. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help.