May 2, 2021
KC Kruchko

Four-Goals of Myofunctional Therapy

During this pandemic AND always, use your natural filter. Breathe the way you are supposed to. Breathe through your nose and improve your health.

Myofunctional Therapy is built on 4-Goals:

  • Breathe Through the Nose - Day and Night
  • Lips Together - Relaxed
  • Proper Tongue Posture
  • Correct Swallow

How hard can it be to breath through your nose, close your lips, and keep your tongue in the right place? Surprisingly, very difficult for many people. These simple goals can be challenging to make a habit without training and focus. Years of disfunction can negatively impact sleep, facial development, significantly increase clenching/grinding, and contribute to a whole host of health issues.

Myofunctional Therapy is cost-effective, free of side effects, does not involve any pills, and will positively impact your health.