September 17, 2023
KC Kruchko

A Winning Smile Beyond Braces

In the realm of orthodontics, the focus revolves around teeth alignment. But what about the intricate interplay of muscles, functions, and habits of the mouth that contribute to oral health? This is where Myofunctional Therapy steps in - an approach that promotes long-term comprehensive oral wellness.

More Than Just Teeth: The Holistic Oral Perspective

Dentistry and orthodontics are not just about teeth. It's also about the very muscles that control our oral functions and the habits they establish. A significant amount of orthodontic issues arise from problems in this area.

Before we explore the integration, it's pivotal to understand the connection:

Dental malocclusions or misalignment are not isolated issues of teeth. They can often be traced back to myofunctional disorders. Ignoring these foundational contributors can be detrimental - don’t ignore the causes. Everyday habits like mouth breathing and incorrect tongue position can directly impact dental health and teeth alignment. Myofunctional therapy addresses these challenges.

Introducing Myofunctional Therapy BEFORE orthodontic procedures to:

  • Prepare the oral environment for the upcoming treatment 
  • Address habits that could undermine the effects of braces.
  • Dial in nasal breathing
  • Potentially reduce the duration or complexity of orthodontic treatments.

After orthodontic treatments to:

  • Ensures the longevity of the achieved results and improved stability
  • Prevent relapse due to old habits
  • Support optimal oral health for years to come.

This means sustainable results, holistic health, and a smile that truly lasts.

In today's fast-paced world, a smile acts as a silent introduction, a glimpse into one's confidence and well-being. By harnessing the combined power of orthodontics and Myofunctional Therapy, we're not just crafting aesthetics but shaping lasting health. A holistic approach ensures that every smile is not just beautiful but robust and resilient. If this has piqued your interest, delve deeper with us. Explore the multifaceted world of integrated oral care and embark on a journey where every smile resonates with genuine health and happiness. Dare to embrace a future of radiant smiles; it starts with understanding the full story.